Sooooooooo !
After showing you some of the designs in Iphone cases
I wated to show you some of the rest in Tshirts and mugs
most of the designs are available in Diverse products
on your needs
Have a look at the Tshirts first :
-Cute black kitty
-And a blue version of a smoking batman ! cool isn't it ? haha
Now the mugs :
Lets start by morning routine:
This mug sums up perfectly how HARD is everyday morning and to wake up . . because
we need to wake up . . but also our NEED for coffee ! YES COFFEE! what would we do without it
everyone needs his morning coffee cup otherwise better stay in bed ! but as it is our fuel the biggest lie we tell eachother of course is . . "Just one more cup only" yeah . . like you would stop after one cup ! lets face it , we cant manage without our two/three cups !
The second mug :
expresses that no matter how bad a person can be we all have this " bright light" inside and we do believe that everyone has it . . but unfortunately not everyone shows it and thats why we have j*** and bi*** but oh well , we know they just pretend thats why in the back of the mug its written Black heart !
expresses that no matter how bad a person can be we all have this " bright light" inside and we do believe that everyone has it . . but unfortunately not everyone shows it and thats why we have j*** and bi*** but oh well , we know they just pretend thats why in the back of the mug its written Black heart !
or maybe simply because when we wake up in the morning the inner monster inside of us wakes up
and we can only be humans again if we drink our daily coffee?
yes sounds more logical than all the spiritual thing i wrote haha
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