Big announce !

                                          Hello everyone ! 

we hope you are doing fine !

So today we have a big announce to share with you , 
we will be also designing invitation cards , like Wedding /Birhday ect. .

We want to try to satisfy everyone and not be focused on just one type or one thing 

Also we would like to have your opinion  about this  so we can improve and make you guys happy : 

-What do you usually buy online?
-What are the prices?
-What are the items you are mostly interested about?
-what are the designs that you would like to have?

If you can take the time to answer one question please that would make us really happy ! 
We  are waiting for your answers soon !

Have a nice day ! 

You can answer by leaving a comment or go to the " contact us " menu and send us  and e mail ! 

Love <3 !


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