First wedding invitations design

Ladies and Gentlemen 

Today is the day ! i will post the first 2 designs of the wedding cards invitations !

We know that a lot of people are always searching for creative designs , and it can be very frustrating to not find what you want or what you like , so we wont make you wait anymore 
Here it is : 

A sweet love pink and floral card  and a classy white feathered one ! 

                    Here is  Back view                                  And a front view


I wrote some examples so you  guys can see how it looks like but you can always customize everything on the website , you just need to  go to the store , click on the item and choose costomize !
as easy as that ! 

If you have any question or suggestion feel free to comment it or go to the " contact" section and  
send us an email !

Note ;
We would also like to make a partnership with Great and creative minds like yours ! so if you're interested you can always email us and lets create and grow something big together!

Also You can also subscribe to be always informed about every new product or design that we make ! or Click here to get
to it directly  at our store

or follow us on Twitter facebook or Pinterest  , you can find the buttons under the follow me link 
and just click on it !

We wish happiness to every future bride and 
We hope to hear from you soon ! 

Have a good day !


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